Finances are one of the biggest sources of stress in Australia. Whether it’s worrying about making ends meet or planning for
the future, anxiety around money can be a huge burden and can affect the quality of your work, life and relationships. We hope
this article provides you with a few proactive steps you can take to lighten the mental load.
1. Recognise your anxiety and try to determine the source
Anxiety can rear its head in lots of ways – maybe you’re short-tempered, not sleeping well or lacking the motivation to
do things around the house. The first step to ridding yourself of money anxiety is to acknowledge that it is affecting
you, and to try to pin down what specifically is causing you concern. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, work with
friends, family or an adviser to narrow down the real problem.
Even the biggest issues can be solved if you know exactly what they are. If you’re struggling with anxiety, reach out to
Beyond Blue for advice and support.
2. Make a plan
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 38% of Australian households experienced financial stress in the
June quarter of 2020, so if you’re experiencing financial stress you are not alone.
When it comes to money worries it can be easy to get into a spin. Rather than dreaming up the worst-case scenario,
to begin with, make a tangible plan to get yourself back on track in the short-term. Once this is in place, turn your
attention to the medium and longer-term to make sure you’re doing everything you can to set yourself up for future
success. If you’d like support setting up a plan, you can always reach out to us.
3. Get expert advice
Whether it’s from your financial adviser or a free government service, there are people who can help you to manage
your money effectively. Choosing the right service will depend on the nature of your concern, but talking about your
problems with people who can provide you with accurate, practical advice can be an effective way to reduce your
stress. You can access free financial counselling through MoneySmart.
4. Learn what you can
Money management is a skill, and if your concern is longer-term, then taking some classes either online or in person
could help you to take control and achieve your objectives.
Money anxiety can play on anyone’s mind. Don’t be ashamed to speak up, ask for help and take the right steps for you and
your family. If you’d like to discuss your specific concerns then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Any advice is general in nature only and has been prepared without considering your needs, objectives or financial
situation. Before acting on it you should consider its appropriateness for you, having regard to those factors.
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